Treating Red Skin Syndrome
A diagnosis of Red Skin Syndrome can be very frustrating. After all, it’s very disheartening to receive a diagnosis caused by a reaction to the medications that were supposed to treat a different diagnosis. Knowing that you may have a months’ long course of treatment ahead of you is often depressing, and it can feel like everything you’ve done has hindered achieving control over your eczema. Treatments for Red Skin Syndrome, also known as topical steroid withdrawal, may vary.
One treatment is changing your diet. Whenever you’re fighting eczema, it’s important to know what foods may make the condition worse. While specifics may vary depending on your exact diagnosis, dairy is often a trigger for those with eczema. For some highly acidic foods like tomatoes can be a trigger, and for others, an allergy to eggs or even shellfish may be to blame. While the rash of eczema may not seem like an allergic reaction, it could still be made worse when you expose it to these known triggers. People who are suffering from Red Skin Syndrome are encouraged to avoid dairy and acidic foods in order to help their eczema clear.
Moisturizers have proven to be a useful treatment for many who suffer from Red Skin Syndrome. Keeping the skin moist helps to alleviate the itchiness which drives many sufferers crazy. You’ll want to talk to your doctor before trying a moisturizer, and, once approved, you’ll want to test areas of your skin before you go all in and apply the moisturizer to your rash area. Start with lighter moisturizers such as Manuka Honey or olive oil, and see if they work before switching to heavier moisturizers. Your skin needs to breathe, and if lighter moisturizers give you some relief from the itch, then your skin will benefit from not being covered in a heavier moisturizer.
Special soaps or shampoos may help some people who have Red Skin Syndrome. You’ll want to avoid anything with irritants; after all, it was irritants that got you into this predicament in the first place. Look for soaps like Aveeno Naturals, or Burt’s Bees, and shampoos such as Free and Clear by Vanicream or Apple Valley natural shampoo bars. Apple cider vinegar may be a great option for a skin or hair rinse, and it will help prevent the area from getting infected.
Some people feel relief when they wrap or cover the affected area. You can use gauze type bandages, or cotton socks (cut the feet out if you’re covering your arms or upper legs), or even tights that provide light compression, such as ballet tights.
Sun exposure or UVB light therapy is a treatment that has helped some in the later stages of RSS. It shouldn’t be considered by those still having flares, as the effects of those flares may be worse if your skin is dry or the slightest bit sunburned.
While taking care of your symptoms without the use of topical steroids can sound scary, there are ways to find relief. Make sure to clear your choices with your doctor so that you can be sure you’re following the best course of action to get the relief you need.