Stopping Misinformation Through Change

White Paper Commentaries

Red Skin Syndrome (RSS) – Topical Steroid Addiction – A Conspiracy of Silence – 8/8

December 2nd, 2015|Comments Off on Red Skin Syndrome (RSS) – Topical Steroid Addiction – A Conspiracy of Silence – 8/8

It appears that appearances are more compelling than facts in contemporary America. Despite my thirty years of careful observation and investigation, scientific research, and appropriate medical reporting, an alarming increase in corticosteroid addiction in the [...]

Topical Steroid Addiction and Red Skin Syndrome – The Elephant in the Room – 4/8

November 18th, 2015|Comments Off on Topical Steroid Addiction and Red Skin Syndrome – The Elephant in the Room – 4/8

“An elephant in the room” is an English metaphorical idiom for an obvious truth that is either being ignored or not being addressed. The idiomatic expression also applies to an obvious problem or risk no [...]

Topical Steroid Addiction (TSA) – Psoriasis, Seborrheic Dermatitis, and Atopic Dermatitis – 3/8

November 17th, 2015|Comments Off on Topical Steroid Addiction (TSA) – Psoriasis, Seborrheic Dermatitis, and Atopic Dermatitis – 3/8

There are three dermatological diseases for which patients are put on protocols of long-term (chronic) corticosteroid use; they are psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, and atopic dermatitis. Chronic steroid usage continues daily, weekly and yearly in many [...]

Topical Steroid Withdrawal – TSW – The Difficult Process of Recovery – 2/8

November 11th, 2015|Comments Off on Topical Steroid Withdrawal – TSW – The Difficult Process of Recovery – 2/8

My “White Paper” appearing in Blog 28 discussed topical steroid addiction (TSA). What follows is a description of the patient’s process after the diagnosis of topical steroid addiction is made when he/she must totally withdraw [...]

The prior 8 blogs posted in the last 3 weeks under the heading  “A White Paper”  have been e-mailed and land mailed en toto yesterday to the officers and board members of the American Academy .of Dermatology, the editors of the Archives of Dermatology and the Journal  of the American Academy of Dermatology, the president of the National Eczema Association, the president of ITSAN, and several MD’s who authored a recent article on the red skin syndrome (RSS)

Response to ITSAN

Good afternoon,

The amount of energy and time utilized in writing a 4 page e-mail to me could have been more fruitfully served by writing a letter to 1500 or more dermatologists in the major cities in each state–“succinctly requesting their duty bound aid in helping severely distressed and mostly non-functioning eczematous patients who have been mistreated and over treated with steroids.” In addition stating “You are trying to amass a list of caring dermatologists who would treat these patients without steroids and help them begin life again.” And, you can tell them “that the patients have insurance and will pay for their care.”  This should have been done a long time ago,

The anger expressed towards my approach in Facebook posts by ITSAN board members is totally misdirected. Why not use the power of the ITSAN board to compose a letter that at least 500 members would immediately write and send to the President of the American Academy of Dermatology – stating “that he has received a “White Paper” from Dr Rapaport” and each individual member is requesting a different approach to their medical care asking for his his authority and power to intervene in the care of suffering patients.

I set up ITSAN with my research, my publications, my videos, my teleconferences, my energy and my funding. The intent was to help all patients find medical care and get well.  I have addressed the concept of “Suffering” a few times on my website – all patients no matter what the disease suffer. This physical and psychological need is handled by the caring physician. An endless array of testimonials and wrong-headed self cures helps only the writer and only for a short time. You have the power of numbers – have in fact a thousand members write — use that power appropriately and let us put an end to this travesty.  


Marvin Rapaport MD